Wednesday, 5 April 2017

My Special Place HB

Mahia:A Special Place in Hawke’s Bay
Sinking onto the soothing sand, you hear the waves break and stumble while others are washing up on your toes. You feel the summer breeze rush at your upper body with delightfulness. Covered with relaxing warm sand makes you feel extraordinary on your legs.Quiet,hot and an amazing holiday.Is this a dream come true?Bashing and diving through the waves are the locals having a blast.How can it be half a world away.Many trees hover above your head and stand tall with sprinkles of water sliding down the soft leaves.The sensational sight of the top of the Mokotahi Hill makes you rub your eyes thinking you are in a dream.What a wonderful place to happily stroll down.The houses are empty, everyone’s swimming.This is surely a Special Place.

Written By Noah Rogers


  1. Wow Great Work Noah! I love the great words that you used in your story and I can feel going to Mahia and on the beach! Mahia is a wonderful place isn't it. Keep up the amazing work Noah!

  2. I like how you described what you feeled

  3. well done Noah I like the beautiful pic

  4. cool work Noah
